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What is HIV?

Over time, untreated HIV infection develops into late-stage or advanced HIV infection, also known as AIDS. AIDS stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome, which is defined as a progressive failure of the body’s immune system. When one’s immunity reaches critically low levels, all sorts of infections can easily develop and progress in a particularly violent way. This state is also accompanied by a higher probability of developing cancer.
The most important thing to understand about what is the HIV infection is that this illness itself doesn’t kill anyone. Instead, it gradually wears down the body’s immune system to a point when even such a trivial condition like a common cold quickly leads to pneumonia, and even death. Technically, no one dies from HIV/AIDS, but from the infections that eventually overtake the body due to the immune decline.
This is exactly why HIV treatment should be started as soon as possible after establishing the diagnosis of HIV infection. According to the World’s Health Organization, untreated HIV infection develops into AIDS over the course of 10-15 years. With proper HIV treatment, on the other hand, it’s possible to never reach the state of acquired immune deficiency!
We hope that now, after learning what is HIV, you understand that HIV/AIDS isn’t a death sentence. Although it doesn’t have an easy cure like a vaccine or an antidote, this condition can be effectively treated to ensure that the patient won’t have to deal with immune deficiency in the decades to come after the diagnosis.

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with HIV infection, don’t despair and don’t hesitate: make an appointment with a qualified infection specialist to start treatment as soon as possible.

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Call us to make an appointment: (954) 776-9992 or go online at infectionsmanaged.org

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