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Understanding When You Should Get Tested for STIs

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) affect sexually active people of all ages and genders. The best way to look out for your sexual health is by regularly getting tested for STIs. However, knowing when exactly to get tested can be confusing. Read on to learn about the importance of STI testing, common symptoms to look out for, and the recommended frequency for getting tested.

Why You Should Get Tested

Like any disease, many STIs worsen over time. This means that early detection and prevention are crucial steps when taking care of your sexual health. At first, they are often asymptomatic, so you may not know you have one until it’s made an impact on your health. Depending on the severity of an STI, you can deal with anything from chronic pain to autoimmune disorders in the long term. 

Recognizing Common Symptoms

Some symptoms of STIs are easy to recognize. You may find that you have genital warts, discharge that wasn’t there before, itching, pain or sores. Finding any of these doesn’t mean you can diagnose yourself. You still need to get tested and get on a treatment plan. If you have physical symptoms, you need to get tested and treated as soon as possible so they don’t worsen. 

Recommended Frequency of Testing

Getting tested for STIs is typically not an everyday, or even every month, occurrence. Unless you’re showing symptoms, the recommended frequency varies between 3 and 12 months. If you frequently change sexual partners or engage in high risk behaviors, you should be tested every 3 months to be safe. If you’re monogamous and generally careful, consider being tested every 12 months.  

Additional Factors to Consider

If a recent partner of yours discloses that they have an STI, make an appointment to get tested as soon as you can. If you have a consistent partner or partners, make sure they’re getting tested as well. One of the most important things you can do for your sexual health is be open with your healthcare providers and any partners you have. There’s no shame in doing the right thing for your health. 

Understanding when you should get tested for STIs is crucial for maintaining your sexual health. Regular testing, irrespective of symptoms, helps detect any potential infections early on and prevent complications. By staying informed and aware, you can take control of your sexual health and ensure a safer and responsible approach to your relationships. Is it time for an STI test? Book an appointment online with Infections Managed, or call us at 954-776-9992.