There’s nothing quite like the anticipation of traveling to new and exciting lands. The thrill of seeing new sights, meeting new people, and eating new cuisine is hard to beat. On the flip side, there’s nothing worse than getting sick while on a trip and being a long way from home. The good news is that there are precautions that can be taken to reduce travel-related infections and the staff at Infections Managed is here to help. With proper pre-planning your trip will be a joyful and healthy experience.
There’s no shortage of infectious diseases found throughout the world. Poor sanitation, lack of clean water, climate and other ecological causes all contribute to the spread of disease. Prior to departure on your journey, it’s recommended that travelers check requirements for vaccinations and precautions that should be taken in advance to help you remain strong and healthy throughout your travels.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) provide excellent and comprehensive resource lists of current guidelines for safe travel and required vaccinations in advance of your departure to any location in the world.
Tips for reducing travel-related infections:
● Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
● Carry and use hand-sanitizer in the absence of clean water.
● Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth.
● Get vaccinated. Check with requirements of the U.S. and the country you will be visiting.
● Get plenty of rest to keep your immune system on the job.
● Eat fresh foods that are well cooked; avoid fresh fruits and vegetables due to the risk of being exposed to untreated water droplets.
● Check that plates, glasses and silverware are all dry prior to use to avoid residue from untreated water.
● Take probiotics and prebiotics to keep your immune system functioning at its best.
● Stay hydrated and drink only bottled water. Don’t put ice cubes in your beverages unless you know they are made from bottled water.
● Consider wearing face masks on planes and when in close quarters.
● Depending on the part of the world you are visiting sleep with protective netting to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes and other pesky disease-carrying insects and parasites.
● Pack a well-stocked medical bag. Include all medications you take regularly and bring a few days’ worth of extra medications to avoid running out if flights should be cancelled or your itinerary changes unexpectedly.
Remember, travel vaccinations may take a few weeks to perform as designed, so be sure to get your required immunizations in advance of your travel dates. If you do become ill during your travels, or immediately after, the doctors and staff of Infections Managed will be here to diagnose and develop a plan of care to get you back on your feet as soon as possible.
Infections Managed wants you to be completely prepared to maintain good health while on your overseas trip so you can have a fabulous time. Call us now at 954-776-9992 or click here to schedule your appointment today.