We have the new COVID-19 booster — Schedule your appointment today

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How to Prevent Serious Illness from COVID-19

COVID-19 has not gone away. While it may not be in the spotlight as often as it was during the height of the pandemic, it remains an easily spread virus that may result in serious illness or death. Some areas of the country are reporting an uptick of positive COVID-19 cases being diagnosed, and they are also seeing higher numbers of patient hospitalization. There are several things that can be done to try to avoid exposure to COVID-19 and therefore prevent serious illness. It is best to be proactive and take the necessary precautions now, before it’s too late.

Wear a mask. 

Wearing a mask when in public spaces, whether standard medical grade, N95 or a KN95 respirator, is a highly effective tool in the battle against the spread of COVID-19. This is especially important in crowded indoor spaces, like movie theaters and concert venues.

Wash hands frequently with soap and water. 

Hand sanitizer can be used if water is not easily available, but make sure the hand sanitizer contains a minimum of 60% alcohol. Make sure to wash your hands for 20 seconds at a time, long enough to sing “Happy birthday” twice.

Keep surfaces that are frequently touched clean and sanitized. 

Door knobs, light switches, a computer mouse, remote controls, and cell phones are easily overlooked when performing routine housekeeping. However, these are the very items that are likely to spread viruses and bacteria when used by multiple people.

Social distancing is still an effective deterrent to spreading COVID-19. 

Maintain a six-foot perimeter from others. Avoid crowds or contact with anyone who is symptomatic or has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days. 

Be sure to cover sneezes and coughs. 

Make sure to cough or sneeze into your elbow. Use tissues to cover coughs and sneezes, and dispose of them quickly. Clean hands immediately following a cough or sneeze to prevent spreading the virus.

Get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible. 

Follow up with the necessary booster(s) to maintain the vaccines effectiveness. At Infections Managed, we offer the Moderna vaccine, proven to be highly effective in protection against the spread of COVID-19. Recent reports show that after three vaccines, Moderna is 94% effective against the delta variant and 72% against omicron. 

People who are at higher risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID-19, such as those with chronic diseases such as autoimmune disease, diabetes, heart disease and cancer, are at higher risk of contracting COVID-19 and should be practicing safety measures to prevent exposure. 

Call now at 954-776-9992 to schedule a vaccination appointment and start prevention today! Same-day appointments are available.