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Why it’s Important to Properly Educate Teens About STIs

Talking to your teen about sex can feel awkward and uncomfortable, but it’s necessary for empowering them to make healthy decisions. With the number of STI cases continually increasing, now is the time to start the conversation. Even if you don’t think your teen is sexually active, it’s crucial to sit down and talk with them. Here’s why it’s important to properly educate your teen about STIs:

Teens are at a Higher Risk of Getting STIs

There are several reasons why teens are at higher risk of getting STIs. Often, they lack proper education. It is common for teens to be uncomfortable discussing sex with parents or doctors, so they may not receive the information they need. For example, they may be unaware of how their bodies work, the importance of using protection and STI testing, or that engaging in sexual activity with multiple partners in a short period of time increases risks.

Teens who do not receive proper sex education often engage in more risky behaviors, such as engaging in sexual activity without protection and with multiple partners. Teens often lack the social confidence to set boundaries when it comes to sex. This is due to discomfort surrounding the topic, which is caused by a lack of education and stigma. Teens are also more likely than adults to face restrictions in receiving health care. This makes it difficult for teens to receive proper medical testing and treatment for STIs.

Better Decision-Making

Properly educating your teen about STIs can improve their awareness and overall ability to make informed decisions. A teen with proper sex education is more likely to feel empowered to communicate with their partners about STIs. Although it may not be an easy conversation, it is an important one for a teen to have with their partner. This conversation may result in the decision to get tested regularly and use protection. Talking to your teen about STIs will help them consider choosing a sexual partner, and their number of sexual partners, more carefully.

Open Communication Between You and Your Teen

Some parents believe that talking to their teen about sex will open the doors for them to start engaging in sexual activity. This is not true. Having all the information at their fingertips helps them make healthy decisions surrounding sex. It also allows for your teen to feel more confident and comfortable talking with you about difficult topics. If they have a question, they are more likely to ask you than to internalize it. This benefits their confidence and overall mental health. Open and honest communication is vital for ensuring a positive, supportive relationship between you and your teen. 

Providing proper education about STIs is vital for your teen to make informed decisions about their health. It is important to teach them about prevention, detection, and treatment. Infections Managed empowers people to take control of their sexual health by providing anonymous STI testing, treatment, and vaccines. Make an appointment online with Infections Managed, or call us at 954-776-9992.