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5 Most Common Myths About STDs

Ever since middle school health class, chances are you’ve heard a lot of crazy things about STDs. Some of these rumors persist through the teen years into adulthood. The worst part is that sexually transmitted diseases, despite being a natural part of life, are heavily stigmatized by people of all ages. Here are some of the most common myths about STDs and the truth behind them. 

Only promiscuous people get STDs.

All it takes is one sexual partner to give you an STD. While people who have multiple partners may want to get tested more frequently to avoid spreading disease, monogamous partners should still test occasionally to be sure. Even if both partners stay monogamous, there’s a chance that a previously undiagnosed STD will come up on a test. 

You can tell if your partner has an STD.

Many STDs that don’t show any symptoms, at least until they’re in an advanced stage. There will be no physical indication either by the person themselves or their sexual partners. That’s one reason why it’s important to get tested, even if you only have one sexual partner at a time. 

Only queer men and drug users get HIV.

Even during the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, HIV could infect anyone. This is a harmful rumor that, for some, adds an additional level of stigma to what is now a treatable disease. It can also lead to people who do not expect to become infected with HIV not to seek treatment soon enough.  

HIV is a death sentence.

At one time, HIV would inevitably lead to AIDS, which would lead to an untimely death. Fortunately, that is not the case anymore. With advancements in medical technology, many people who receive an HIV diagnosis are able to be treated and become undetectable. When the disease is undetectable, it won’t be spread to sexual partners or children through birth. 

You can’t get an STD from oral sex.

You can absolutely get an STD from oral sex. Some diseases, like gonorrhea, chlamydia and herpes, are often spread this way. When a disease is contracted this way, symptoms tend to appear after 4-5 days. Even if you’re not having intercourse with your partner or partners, getting tested is important if you’re sexually active.

The best defense against serious illness from an STD is early detection. Get the facts about STDs, and get tested if you’re sexually active. Here at Infections Managed, we provide confidential testing and treatment for STDs and other infections. If you’re due for STD testing in South Florida, contact us online to make an appointment today.