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5 Benefits of STD Testing for Sexually Active Adults

Getting tested for STDs should be a regular part of life for sexually active adults, but for most, it’s not. Between the stigma associated with having multiple partners and the stigma or fear of a positive test result, many people avoid the process altogether. However, there’s more to getting tested than finding out if you do or don’t have an infection. These are a few of the important benefits of regular STD testing. 

Early Detection

When it comes to any kind of infection, early detection is key. When an STD is caught early on, it’s often easier to treat or cure. Even HIV can be made undetectable, and therefore not spread to others, if it’s caught early enough. Even if you only have one sexual partner, regular testing can help you find out early on if you or your partner have an STD. 

Reduced Risk of Spreading

Most people who spread STDs to others don’t know they have them. That’s one important reason why getting tested regularly is so important. Knowing you have an STD will put you on the path to healing, rather than unknowingly spreading a disease to others. You have a responsibility to know your status for the health of yourself and your sexual partners. 

Increased Peace of Mind

One of the worst feelings we experience is not knowing. Getting tested regularly takes the guesswork out of whether you have an STD and what to do next if you do. This reduced anxiety can make you a better partner and aid in your own mental health. 

Improved Relationship and Sexual Health

When you know your status, it’s easier to be honest and open with your partner. Talking to your partner about getting tested can also improve your relationship and give you peace of mind. The more open communication you have, especially around difficult subjects, the more likely you are to have a healthy relationship. 

Access to Resources and Education

Walking into an infectious disease clinic or a doctor’s office of any kind can be intimidating. However, by incorporating these visits into your routine, you can arm yourself with information about prevention and sexual health. You can ask the doctor questions related to potential symptoms or concerns, and you can spread that knowledge to others. 

Getting tested for STDs regularly should be part of every sexually active adult’s routine, especially if they have multiple partners. At Infections Managed, we offer confidential STD testing, including free tests for HIV. Call us at (954) 776-9992 or make an appointment online today!